Karen Thompson Piano Studio

Lessons - The Fall/Spring semesters are based on a 10-month school calendar (Aug-May). Summer lessons and Piano Camps are offered in June and July. All lessons are 30-minutes with  Off the Bench emailed weekly. There are no reimbursements for missed lessons, and tuition is not adjusted unless the teacher cannot provide the promised number of lessons. Thirty-six weeks are scheduled allowing me with two "sick days". If not used by the teacher you get two bonus lessons. Lessons can be done in person, online or hybrid.

Tuition/Payments - The music studio accepts personal checks and cash payments. Invoices are sent out one week prior to payment dates.  A yearly, non-refundable $35.00 per student registration fee is due by xxxx.  A $25.00 late fee for all payments received after the due date. The fee will automatically be added to your next statement.  A bounced check will be subject to current bank charge. Tuition does not include the cost of music books. New books and digital music will be included with the monthly invoice.

Tuition reserves your weekly lesson time slot -  Lesson planning, supplies, sources for games for students. Paid studio memberships Mrs. Karen belongs to. iPads, computer, music learning apps and technology investments students use in the studio. Cleaning and sanitizing products for the studio. Piano tuning and maintenance of purchased of instruments. Recitals - teachers time and preparation for the event. Studio taxes, insurance and studio upkeep.  Mrs. Karen's experience and continuing education and much more!

Attendance -  Lessons time is reserved exclusively for you each week. Online lessons can be done by phone, Zoom, or FaceTime at your regular scheduled time. A swap list is given for conflicts.

Off the Bench - Tasks include using the computer ,iPad, worksheets, theory books, listening to repertoire, sight reading and much more. This independent time is an important part of lessons. Students will be sent weekly.

Group Classes - Group classes are scheduled 4 to 5 times during the school year in place of the private lesson for that week. The classes will be marked on your Studio Calendar and on the Studio website. Group classes are generally scheduled on Monday through Wednesdays and last for one hour. Classes cannot be made up at a later date.

Recitals -  Studio Recitals are typically scheduled at Christmas (informal) and Spring (formal). Time and dates of recitals will be announced in August. Participation in the recital is highly encouraged, but never mandatory.

What If - You injure your arm, wrist, finger, we still can have a lesson. The studio tends to go by the Morton School District calendar. Please always check the calendar for breaks and days off.  If you do not feel well or the weather is icky, we can do online. Emergencies: In the case of emergencies, such as we experienced with Covid-19, and students are not able to attend in person lessons in the studio, ALL lessons will be conducted via Zoom/FaceTime following our regular studio schedule. No discounts or refunds for lessons in this case. If you decide to discontinue lessons, you must give a one-month advance notice and pay tuition for that month and any material given to student..

Emails - Every family will be committed to opening and reading studio emails to remain informed concerning events/announcements in the studio.

Practice/Progress Requirements - Students who enroll in the studio agree to participate in consistent practice on the piano so that individual progress can be made. I completely understand that there will be weeks that "life" will happen and piano practice will not get done. Mrs. Karen will make sure that students have music that they enjoy playing.